Rescuing Pugs
This is the story of we started fostering pugs and how it transformed our lives. It wasn't planned and that is what is so great about it.
Andy, you are rescued! |
I always wanted a pug. On my seventh birthday, my parents told me that I could get one. I got very little presents that year, but I was okay with that because I knew that I would get a pug soon. My parents said we had to wait for the right one to come along. The problem was, the right one didn’t come alone for at least a year and a half. I was 9 years old before I got my 7 year old birthday present.
But when I did get my new pugs it was one of the best days of my life. But it wasn't a little later until I started actually fostering pugs. In about November everyone had a pug but my dad. I had my pug Magoo. My mom and my sister shared our other dogs Zee. So we started looking for a new pug that my dad can call his own. Then we saw a pug named Bear on the website and we knew he was the pug for us. So we set up a home visit for Bear our future pug. After a few days of Bear staying at our house we knew he was a new addition to our family.
Zee, Mabel and Bear doing what they do best, cuddling. |
So we called the Pug Rescuer Justin and we told him we wanted Bear. But my parents also said that they would do anything to help the Pug Rescue because we love helping dogs. So the Pug Rescue give us a call. And they said they needed us to foster a dog named Ginger. She was 13 years old and only three teeth, Her owner had died. So we picked up her up at Ivan Animal Hospital. Ginger was our first foster pug.
Chilling with Ginger on the floor because she can't get on the bed |
Since then we have had many fosters. Pugs such as Brutus, Petunia, China, Martini, Merlot, Sophia, Mabel, and Andy have come into our lives. They all have an interesting and sometimes heartbreaking back story. China had a deformed leg. Mabel was dumped in the woods with a spinal cord injury. Andy was dropped off at the pound because he was too old. Sophia was emaciated and would fall over because she was so malnourished.
China checking out her foster home |
We never know how many dogs we will have at once. The most we have had is seven. The least we have is four. Mabel now stays with us and can walk now thanks to medicine and mostly love. Saving pugs is something my family loves and is passionate about. We don’t care if we have fur on our clothes or we have to change dog diapers. It's just fulfilling that we get to save animals lives everyday.
Helping Martini & Merlot fly to Colorado with Pilots N Paws |
Magoo, Mabel, Zee, Bear and our foster Sophia |
i love dogs too, but i have just one.